Continuous Threat Exposure Management
with JupiterOne and watchTowr
Proactively target, prioritize and remediate exploitable vulnerabilities that are critical threats to your business.
Organizations are adopting a Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) program to scope, discover, prioritize, validate and remediate only their most business critical assets and protect their dynamic attack surface from emerging threats.
Exposure Management with JupiterOne and watchTowr allows your team to
Remediate Faster
Rapidly prioritize and fix vulnerabilities impacting your environment
Quantify Risk
Improve your resilience against dynamic shifts in the threat landscape that impact both cyber and financial risks
End Tedious Work
Reduce manual processes from your attack surface and asset management programs
Attack Surface from All Angles
See everything that matters, inside and out.
Stay ahead of emerging vulnerabilities with the context and business impact needed to prioritize effectively and minimize your exposure
Attack Surface Assessment
Discover your external attack surface from an attacker's perspective, and identify internal assets along with their relationship to the external attack surface.
Continuous Discovery
Continual real-time discovery of your external assets, known and unknown, for comprehensive attack surface visibility
Identify Vulnerabilities
Find vulnerabilities across all external assets, classifying them with business context for clear and logical findings
Validate Exploitability
Automatically identify exploitable vulnerabilities at scale with low false-positive rates and validated findings
Effects Range (Blast Radius)
Gain insight into the impact of a threat actor's actions on your cloud infrastructure, SaaS platform, containers, repositories and more
Asset Attack Path
Visualize and analyze your environment to identify any potential attack paths, starting with the highest priority exploitable vulnerabilities to your critical assets
Report & Alert
Report and alert if critical assets are exposed by a vulnerability, directly or indirectly
Take action on choke points and potential attack paths with recommended responses and automated workflows for vulnerability and IT analysts